Ink Compliance



Eco Passport by Oeko-Tex® is an independent certification system for chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries used in the textile and leather industry. Each ingredient used in the manufacture of our certified inks are analysed to ensure it meets the Eco Passport requirements and that it is not harmful to human health.


The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme is a coalition of fashion brands and value chain associates working together to eliminate and substitute hazardous chemicals for safer ones in the production processes of garments and textiles.

This includes the ZDHC MRSL which is a list of hazardous chemicals that manufacturers and retailers should eliminate from their supply chain and our eco friendly screen printing inks are certified to the highest level of confidence.


GOTS is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.

Our eco friendly water based inks are approved for use as inputs in the production of GOTS certified products.


Our DTG textile inks are water-based pigment inks that are ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® certified, GOTS certified and CPSIA compliant. 

ECO PASSPORT by OEKO-TEX® is an independent certification system for chemicals, colourants and auxiliaries used in the textile and leather industry. During a multistep process, each individual ingredient in the chemical product is analysed to ensure it meets the statutory requirements and that it is not harmful to human health. Both brands and manufacturers value the ECO PASSPORT as credible proof of sustainable textile and leather production.

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is recognised as the leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres worldwide. It defines high level environmental criteria along the entire supply chain of organic textiles and requires compliance with social criteria as well. Our DTG inks are certified compliant in the manufacturing chain of GOTS compliant garments.

CPSIA the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act  of 2008 imposed testing requirements and new acceptable levels for several substances common in most consumer products, especially those designed for children, ages 0–12.

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