Squarespace: Integrate Your Squarespace Store

Integrate Your Squarespace Store

Learn how to integrate using your Squarespace store selling products Live Ink can fulfil for you. The Live Ink app integrates to automate order fulfilment, passing your customer orders on for printing as they are placed in your store.

To Integrate Your Squarespace Store

Onec you have created a free account on our site, head over to the Squarespace page on our website and install the Squarespace integration by clicking the Connect My store button underneath Squarespace.

To Activate Squarespace Integration

After clicking the button, select your Squarespace site and Allow the permissions.

Remember: fill in your billing address on your Profile page so there are no delays when your first order is placed.

Your Squarespace store will now be integrated with Live Ink's fulfilment service.

Your next step is to sync any products on your Squarespace store that want fulfilling by Live Ink.